Can Calcite Go in Water?

Can Calcite Go in Water

Various minerals react differently when placed in water, and if you own a Calcite mineral, you may be wondering, “can calcite go in water?” You can put Calcite in water; however, placing it in water for extended periods is not recommended.

Calcite is the most stable form of calcium carbonate, a polymorph. It’s pretty standard and is often available as a limestone component. It rates three on the Mohs hardness scale and is usually found in caves. It is pretty important and has various uses.

So, Can Calcite Go in Water?

Calcite is a carbonate and is not water-soluble in itself. However, it is pretty soft and scores three out of 10 on the Mohs hardness scale, which means that it’s likely to get affected by water as most other stones in its category are. The effects become more pronounced when it comes into contact with salt water.

While some minerals aren’t affected by water, others become significantly affected, causing various chemical reactions that may cause them to break down to form new compounds and release various gases.

You can expose the Calcite to water for short periods; however, you should do it in short periods and only if necessary.

Other minerals lie in the middle, where they can survive contact with water but shouldn’t be exposed for extended periods.

Calcite and other minerals in its category lie here.

Why Putting Minerals and Rocks in Water is Bad?

Minerals contain microscopic cracks that water molecules can penetrate and erode, causing the fissures to expand and become more significant.

These expansions happen over time every time the mineral is exposed to water.

Most people assume their minerals are safe after placing them in water for one or two sessions.

Observing the minerals makes them think everything is alright, making them feel like there is no reason for them to worry.

However, repeated exposure to water encourages the microscopic cracks to grow, resulting in more significant and visible cracks and even cleaving.

Bigger cracks change how light refracts, causing the mineral to become dull.

Additionally, the mineral can develop rust in between the cracks, making the stone get yellow stains.

The water can also strip the mineral of commercial oils and react with the stone’s surface causing a complete color change.

Why Is Water Bad for Calcite?

Calcite isn’t a hard stone and (as mentioned above) has a hardness rating of 3 out of 10.

Water molecules easily penetrate the mineral and get into fissures, encouraging them to become more expansive.

This action encourages instances of cleaving, which damages the stone’s shine or finish.

This is why we don’t recommend placing the stone in water for long periods regardless of the reason.

Can Calcite Get Wet?

Calcite can get wet.

You can clean the mineral in water by briefly dipping it under your faucet and buffing it with a soft and clean cloth.

However, you should be careful not to leave it in water for long periods, especially if it is salty.

Why So Many Crystals Bloggers Recommend Putting Crystals and Rocks in Water Baths?

Most crystal practitioners recommend water baths because of their unique personal experiences.

Often, they’ll dip the mineral in water and observe nothing negative, leading them to assume that everything’s good.

They don’t realize that the damage occurs over time, and you could avoid it by choosing an alternative cleaning method.

There are several charging and cleansing methods to choose from if you want to maintain the stone’s luster and color.

I Have Found My Calcite Stone in the Water. What Should I Do?

Rockhounds usually pick Calcite in creeks and streams.

Alternatively, they can also get pieces of Calcite soaked in salt water.

It would be best if you treated these pieces more carefully.

For instance, you shouldn’t carry the rocks with keys or other rocks in your pockets.

Plus, you should avoid dropping them.

Be wary of tumbling; if you have to, tumble them with stones of similar hardness.

Avoid damaging the stones further by avoiding water baths, especially if the water is salty.

Can Calcite Go in Saltwater?

Salt cleansing can be effective when cleaning only crystals that can withstand friction.

It can help with grounding and protection against negative energy.

However, cleaning unpredictable and highly malleable crystals with salt can have unintended results.

Thus, it would be best to be cautious about how you use it.

Saltwater is harmful to calcite crystals and polished stones because it makes them lose their polish and shine.

Working on crystals requires your attention and time.

Cleaning your crystals is essential because it helps you eliminate any unwanted stored energy and boosts their recuperation properties.

How Can You Cleanse and Charge Your Calcite Stone?

It would help if you kept your Calcite cleansed and charged to maximize its upbeat amplifier moods.

Like other crystals, Calcite has limitless energy; however, it works best when cleaned regularly.

You could use mildly heated water and a soft cloth to bring the crystal back to its ultimate performance. You can charge up the crystal and boost its energy to 100 % by exposing it to sunlight.

Other ways you could cleanse and charge your Calcite stone are listed below.

  • Mixing it with different crystals: Some crystals can charge up other crystals when they come into contact. Some crystals you could use to charge Calcite include clear quartz and amethyst. These crystals soak up any negative energy from Calcite and reactivate it.
  • Cleanse Calcite with brown rice: The best method you can use to cleanse Calcite is by using sage or brown rice. You should place the crystal in brown rice for about 8 hours to eliminate negative energies and impurities.
  • Clean it with sage: You can reactivate Calcite’s energies and recharge it using smoke from burning white sage. White smoke from sage repels any negative energies and boosts your Calcite’s capacity to do the same.

To Summarize: Can Calcite Go in Saltwater?

As mentioned above, taking care of any mineral requires your time and attention, especially if the mineral is highly malleable (has a low hardness). 

Here is a summary of everything you need to know about Calcite.

  • Calcite has a low hardness, meaning it’s pretty soft, and you should handle it carefully.
  • You can clean Calcite in water; however, you shouldn’t leave it exposed for extended periods.
  • Calcite shouldn’t be exposed to saltwater if you can help it.
  • You can cleanse and recharge Calcite with sage and brown rice and mix it carefully with other minerals like quartz.