Can Carnelian Go in Water?

Can Carnelian Go in Water

Yes, Carnelian can go in the water because it has a crystalline structure and low water solubility. We do not recommend putting it in water for a long time because water can damage the crystal structure and erode the surface.

You will also find an explanation for the answer to your question, can Carnelian go in water.

Can Carnelian Go in Water?

Carnelian can go in the water for a short time because it has a hardness score of 7 on the Mohs hardness scale.

Carnelian cannot go in the water for long because surface erosion, cracks widening, and discoloration may occur.

What Enthusiasts and Collectors Must Know about Carnelian?

Collectors and enthusiasts need to know about the identity before doing anything about it. Carnelian is one of the crystals you cannot identify with traditional tools.

It has similarities with many other crystals like the sard. Sard is darker and has a higher hardness score. If you wrongly name something else, you can damage the crystal while processing.

It can be dangerous to your health also. If you cannot identify the malachite and put it in water, you will suffer due to the toxic fumes.

It is hard to cut or polish a stone when you are unsure about its physical and chemical parameters.

What Is Carnelian? What Is Important to Know About Carnelian Crystal?

Carnelian is a crystal made of silicon dioxide. The brown color is due to the iron oxide in the crystal. It is hard to identify because it has similarities with many other crystals, including Agates, Jasper, and Quartz.

You can find this crystal in different color shades and translucencies as it can be opaque to partially translucent. You can find it in reddish-brown color to black.

Some people worry because they are unsure if they have agate, jasper, or carnelian. There are some differences in the color shades and the chemical properties.

There is no need to worry about it as they all have similar physical properties. You can cut and polish them in the same way.

Why Carnelian Shouldn’t Go in Water If It Is a Hard Material and Isn’t Water Soluble?

You cannot put the carnelian in water for a long time because a high hardness score and low solubility do not guarantee that water will not damage the crystal.

Even the hardest crystals can lose integrity when you place them in water for a long time. The damage will be rapid when you have salt or chlorine water.

We will explain the reason for the damage by the water. There are many ways water can damage these crystals when they are insoluble in the water also.

Reason 1: Water causes the formation of cracks and fissures in the Crystal Carnelian

Most people do not believe that their crystals have cracks at the molecular level because they cannot see the cracks.

You can look for these cracks in the microscope or find the pictures of the micro-cracks in the crystals on the internet.

Crystals have cracks after you polish them with the best polishing materials also. When you put the crystal in the water, these cracks will grow in size.

You cannot see these cracks even when they are wide enough to reduce the structural integrity of the crystal. You will only notice that your crystal broke without any reason. Water is the reason for these small cracks.

Reason 2: When water gets into the cracks of the stone the surface changes

Water entering the cracks can change the stone surface. There are many ways water can do it. Water will dissolve the polishing material from the stone surface.

Water will take some time to remove if the polishing material is made of water-insoluble material like mineral oil. Water can also remove the polish due to surface erosion.

Some crystal makers use specialized polish to enhance the crystal color. You will lose this polish also because of the surface erosion.

When the water enters the cracks, it removes the metal atoms essential for the crystal color. Your crystal will become dull when you put it in water for a long.

Water molecules change the way light reacts to a material. When the crystal has water molecules in the cracks, it will not produce the same luster.

You may have to remove a part of the crystal or sand the surface to get the last look of the crystal.

Reason 3: Water can react with the materials in the Carnelian stone

Stones and the water do not react fast. The reaction will take place slowly when you place it in the water for a long time or give the crystal water baths many times a week.

Many elements in the stones can react with the water. Iron is one of the abundant elements in this category. Most of them have some quantities of iron.

You cannot remove it because it gives color to the stone. Iron mix with other elements to make different colors in the stone.

When the water enters the crystals through the small cracks, it will react with the iron. Iron will get the oxygen of water by the oxidation reaction. It will produce rust in the crystal.

You cannot remove this rust by cleaning the stone with a cloth. It is only possible to remove it by grinding away the affected part. Some people recommend an acid bath for the stone to remove the rust.

It is a dangerous process as some crystals cannot withstand the acid treatment. It can decrease the crystal integrity also.

You should avoid putting the carnelian in water for a long time because it will lose color. Some brown patches may also appear on the crystal that you cannot remove with cloth cleaning.

Reason 4: Your Carnelian stone might contain toxic materials

If you want to add the stone to your drinking water, it is better to think about it twice. All stones can have different toxic materials.

It is due to the way earth formed as all the materials were mixed due to volcanic activity and violent weather. All stones can have toxic chemicals.

Asbestos can make its way into the stones without changing the stone color. Some stones also have copper-based compounds. These compounds are dangerous for human health.

When you put the crystals in water to drink it, you are exposing yourself to some of the most toxic chemicals. You may not see the effect immediately.

You may suffer long-term health issues if the stone contains some radioactive components. We will say no when you ask can carnelian go in water for drinking purposes.

How to Safely Clean Carnelian without Damaging the Crystal Stone?

You can clean the carnelian without damaging it by placing it under the running water for a few seconds and rubbing it with a cloth immediately.

You cannot put it in the water for a long time. We do not recommend putting the stones in the water bath with salt or chlorine as it can damage the stone surface.

Drying the crystal is essential as soon as it comes out of the water. Placing it in water for a few seconds and drying it fast will not cause damage. You need to put it in the open air without touching anything.

It will allow the crystal to lose the water trapped in its cracks. You can also use a brush with soap and water to clean it if the dirt does not come off using water and cloth.

Using hot water and keeping the crystal with you in the bath can be damaging.

How Can Water Be Bad For a River Rock when I Found a Carnelian Stone in the Water?

You may find the stone from the river or beach. You do not know how it came to this location. Rocks enter the water in large pieces and turn into small pieces as they move in the stream.

It is also impossible to know the crystal condition without lab tests. You may think that water will not do anything because it is a water rock.

The rock may have many cracks because it was in the water for a long time. You will speed up the crystal damage by putting it in the water again.

Can Carnelian Go in Water for Tumbling?

You can use the water in the tumbler when you want to polish the carnelian. If you ask can carnelian go in water for tumbling, we will answer that you have to take this risk to make the stone presentable.

There are many risks in using rock tumblers with the water. You may end up with two small stones instead of one polished stone.

People know they can take this risk because they want the stone to be presentable. They want to show their collection to others.

Tumbling with grit or without grit is the best way to do it. Experts also take this risk because they will not put the stones in water once the process finishes.