How to Tell if Aventurine is Real or Fake?

How to Tell if Aventurine is Real or Fake

Aventurine is a type of rock with a medium level of transparency and attractive colors. Many start their journey of getting healing benefits with Aventurine as it enhances professional performance.

You can learn how to tell if Aventurine is real or fake before going to the market to buy your first Aventurine crystal. You can avoid a lot of scams when you use the information in this article.

How Can Aventurine be Faked, and How to Avoid Being Deceived?

Sellers use many ways to make counterfeit Aventurine stones.

They dye crystals to enhance their color and sell at a higher price.

Some sellers make Aventurine from glass material to scam people.

You need to learn about the Aventurine colors as some do not occur naturally.

You will know how to tell if Aventurine is real when you learn about the most frequent ways of making fake ones.

Check if the Aventurine Was Dyed

Some sellers dye the Aventurine and clear quartz crystal to make jewelry as they want to sell this jewelry at higher prices.

Most parts of the Aventurine consist of quartz crystals.

You cannot say that dyed quartz crystals are Aventurine.

Authentic Aventurine crystals get their color from the metal impurities that enter the stone during the natural formation process.

You may find some sellers that claim they have Aventurine.

You will find that they dyed Quartz crystals to scam people.

Be Sure to Look for Aventurescent Glass

Aventurine got its name from Aventura.

An Italian glass maker in the 1600s accidentally added some metal particles to the glass to make a fabulous-looking material.

He named it Aventura because it was accidentally made.

Many used this glass to make jewelry and household items.

People sold it with the label Aventurine glass at first.

Some also started calling it Aventurine because of its resemblance with the naturally accruing aventurine stones.

Seller may tell you that they have authentic Aventurine but they only have the ones that consist of glass material.

You can do different tests to distinguish the natural Aventurine from the glass material.

Goldstone is the most famous counterfeit Aventurine.

Manufacturers add golden metal speckles to the glass during the formation process.

Manufacturers can make a glass of any color to make such material as they can add dye at the time of manufacturing.

Goldstone gives more aventurescence than authentic Aventurine stones.

The level of aventurescence can also provide hints about the crystal’s identity.

Don鈥檛 Buy Blue Aventurines

You may see many advertisements on the internet where sellers are giving blue Aventurine.

They also offer blue Aventurine jewelry at a higher price.

It is crucial to know that such stones do not occur in nature as manufacturers make them synthetically.

Some have larger stones with blue color in the deeper layers of the stone also.

They claim it is the authentic Aventurine because all layers have a similar color.

These stones mostly consist of agate crystals.

Sellers dip the agate in blue colors to make counterfeit Blue Aventurine.

Agates have a porous surface and can absorb pigments to change color.

You can distinguish between dyed agates and authentic Aventurine stones by checking the suspended light reflecting particles in the stone.

You will not find them in the agate stones.

Green Aventurines are most abundant in nature.

They can have speckles of fuchsite mica in the Aventurine to give it the peculiar appearance of Aventurines.

These blue stones can also be the aggregates of the Quartz with blue color due to Cobalt impurities.

You can find these stones abundantly in the United States.

What are the key differences between determining if Aventurine and Tourmaline are real or fake?

When distinguishing real tourmaline from fake, the key differences lie in the color and clarity of the stones.

Aventurine typically has a greenish hue with sparkles due to the presence of minerals, while tourmaline can be found in various colors and is often clearer and more transparent.

How to Tell if Aventurine is Real or Fake?

You can tell if aventurine is real or fake by checking the physical features: check for hardness, inclusions, aventurescence glass, observe the structure, and find aventurine origin.

Some tests can also reveal the crystal’s identity.

It is easier to find the differences between authentic and counterfeit Aventurine crystals.

It is hard for beginners to confirm if their analysis is correct.

Hardness tests and place of origin information can help beginners confirm the authenticity of the Aventurine.

Aventurescence is a crucial parameter for Aventurine authenticity testing.

We will guide you about all the aspects of the Aventurine to help you with the testing.

1. To Tell if an Aventurine is Real or Fake, Conduct the Scratch Test

Aventurine consists of Quartz crystals.

Many physical features are the same as the Quartz crystals.

Hardness is one of these features.

Aventurine has a hardness score of seven on the Moh Hardness Scale.

The hardness may reduce when there are more inclusions in the Aventurine.

The size of the stone can also affect the hardness of the material in the case of Aventurine.

The stone’s hardness is from 6.5 to 7 on the Moh hardness scale.

There are some tests to confirm the crystal’s identity.

  • Authentic Aventurine can scratch the glass surface easily. You can also use a knife to test the hardness of the crystal. You cannot make a scratch on the authentic Aventurine stone with the knife.
  • You cannot scratch the glass with other glass materials and plastic. This test will help you identify the counterfeit crystals made from plastic materials.

2. To Tell if an Aventurine is Real or Fake, Check if There Are Inclusions

Inclusions are the materials that entrap in the crystals during formation time.

Some inclusions are visible with the naked eyes.

You may need a magnifying glass to look for some types of inclusions.

You can look for the size and type of inclusions to find the crystal’s authenticity.

  • Fuchsite flakes. You will find a chromium-rich mica mineral inside the Aventurine stones abundantly. This mineral is known as Fuchsite. If the Aventurine stones have an adequate concentration of inclusions, it does not cause any issues. You may see problems where Fuchsite is more than ten to twenty percent. Polishing the Fuchsite rick Aventurine can damage the stone as inclusions can make the stone weak at some points.
  • Lepidolite inclusions can give Aventurine pink, purple, or red color.
  • The pink, orange, red, or brown Aventurines are due to Hematite inclusions.
  • Silvery color is always due to Muscovite.

3. To Tell if an Aventurine is Real or Fake, Check for Aventurescence

Aventurescence is an identification parameter of the Aventurine stones.

Aventurine stones can have plate-like inclusions made of different minerals in the crystal structure.

You will see a sparkly appearance on the Aventurine surface when you put light on the stone.

These inclusions can change the color of the Aventurine and give it a sparkly appearance.

Mica particles provide a lustrous finish to the Aventurine stones.

You can observe the dye in the crystals when you hold them in the sunlight as you will observe different Aventurescence in some parts of the stone.

4. To Tell if an Aventurine is Real or Fake, Observe Aventurine Crystal Structure

You should see shell-like cleavage in the Aventurine crystals.

The hexagonal crystal structure can also help you distinguish the Aventurine from stones of similar colors.

Some sellers may give you an agate instead of Aventurine.

You can identify the agate stone with the fibrous crystal structure.

It is absent in the Aventurine due to its hexagonal crystal structure.

5. To Tell if an Aventurine is Real or Fake, Find Its Place of Origin

Most of the Aventurine stones come from India.

India is the producer of Aventurine stones other than green ones.

Brazil has many green Aventurine sources.

If a seller tells you that they got Aventurine from a site in America, you can know it consists of glass.

You can also ask for the origin information from the seller.

You should only buy from the seller if he gives you authentic information about the crystal’s origin.

To Summarize: How to Tell if Aventurine is Real or Fake

You can improve your professional life when you have an authentic Aventurine stone.

A counterfeit stone will not give you any healing benefits.

You can keep these points in mind before selecting an Aventurine supplier in the market.

  • Many counterfeit Aventurine crystals in the market consist of glass material.
  • Aventurine stones do not occur in blue color naturally.
  • Aventurine stones have a hardness score of 7 on the Moh hardness scale. Glass and knife will not scratch their surface.
  • You can identify the Aventurine by looking for the mica or other inclusions.
  • Aventurescence is an identification feature of Aventurine.