How to Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake?

How to Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake

Malachite is a green-colored mineral that forms above the copper deposits in the deeper parts of the earth. Many try to make counterfeit crystals of Malachite as it is in high demand due to its many healing properties.

You can find the authentic crystal from the market when you know how to tell if Malachite is real or fake. Finding an authentic crystal is the key to getting the healing benefits of the Malachite.

How to Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake?

The high copper content in real Malachite makes it a heavy crystal, heavier than glass, and cold to the touch. Fake Malachite is created from clay and plastic. Fake Malachite is much lighter than real Malachite.

Many sellers make green beads from plastic and sell them as Malachite.

You can find the authenticity of the Malachite in many ways.

Color banding is the main feature of the Malachite.

It should have bands of light and dark green color.

You can also find the authenticity of the Malachite crystals by checking their physical and chemical properties.

Streak test and crystal temperature feel can also help us identify the Malachite.

1. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Look at the Stone’s Cut

Malachite has a low level of hardness.

It is hard to cut the stone and make beads.

Artists cut the Malachite with their hands to give each bead a unique appearance.

All Malachite beads should not have an equal size.

  • If you find many beads of the same size, it can be fake as Malachite beads should have different sizes. It is easy to make beads from glass and plastic but not from Malachite.
  • You can take your magnifying glass to the market when buying the Malachite. Counterfeit Malachite sellers may not allow you to observe the crystals under the magnifying glass.
  • Malachite crystals do not show single-colored light. You should see a light scattering effect. Crystal should act as a prism. There are small scratches and pits on the surface. You can also check the polish quality with the magnifying device.

2. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Look at Its Clarity

You should check the stone clarity with the magnifying device to identify the bruises on the crystal.

It is easy to scratch the Malachite due low hardness score.

Some sellers take the Malachite pieces and place them in a glue-like substance to make new crystals.

Some may also fix the broken parts with glue.

They may not be visible on the surface, but you can see them when you observe for clarity.

Malachite crystals with broken parts attached with glue are less durable.

You can accept such crystals at a low price when you want to make earrings or necklace pendants as these things do not face more stressful forces.

It is unsuitable for making rings from such materials as rights need more durability.

3. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Look for the Banding and Coloration

You will always find the Malachite crystals in green color.

It is due to the copper carbonate mineral.

Copper carbonate can have many concentrations and patterns.

The name of the Malachite came from the Mallow leaves.

The color and pattern of the Malachite resemble the mallow leaves.

Some sellers may give you Red Malachite and charge high prices.

You should not buy these crystals as these crystals are dyed.

Malachite does not occur in the red color in nature.

Some may sell Howlite with the label of Malachite to scam people.

Howlite can have many colors.

Some parts of the Malachite may consist of Azurite.

It is a blue-colored mineral.

Banding is another feature of the Malachite stone.

Banding can help us differentiate the Malachite crystals from the rest of the stones.

You can find sea green color in one type of band in the Malachite.

Some bands can have the color of the statue of liberty.

These patterns can appear in the form of waves and circles.

These patterns form due to the different levels of carbon and copper reactions in the Malachite crystals.

Fun Fact: Malachite and the statue of liberty have the same color due to the same chemical reactions.

Carbon reacts with the copper to produce the green color.

The same chemical reaction is responsible for the green color of the statue of liberty.

4. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Observe Its Transparency

You can learn about the transparency of the Malachite crystals to find the authentic crystal.

Malachite has an adequate level of transparency.

Some sellers may sell counterfeit stones made of glass.

These stones have high transparency and shine.

You can identify them with the difference in the shine from the authentic Malachite crystals.

The stones that consist of plastic are more opaque.

You should look for crystals with medium transparency.

High transparency and low transparency indicate the crystal is fake.

When the sellers inject dye or use the colored polishing material to enhance the color of Malachite, the transparency will reduce.

Low transparency with excellent color indicates that the crystal is dyed.

5. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Check How the Temperature Feels

Malachite reflects light and heat.

It should have a lower temperature than the environment.

You can hold the Malachite in your hand to feel its temperature.

It should feel colder than the environment.

Malachite is a heavy stone due to its high density.

A piece of glass or plastic cannot have the same weight as a Malachite.

You can find the identity of the counterfeit Malachite by placing it on your plan and feeling the temperature.

Malachites made of plastic are light and warm to touch.

When you place the Malachite in your hand, it will stay cold for an extended time as it reflects the heat.

The case is not the same as the glass.

The glass will lose its cold temperature quicker when you place it on your palm.

6. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Perform the Streak Test

Authentic Malachite crystals consist of green material.

When you rub it on a porcelain tile, it will give a green material.

The streak test is a perfect way to find the internal composition of the Malachite crystals.

If the stone is not a Malachite, it will give a different color in the streak test.

Plastics may give white streaks as glass give transparent pieces.

It indicates that you do not have an authentic Malachite.

An authentic Malachite will green a streak powder from the light color bands.

Tip: If you cannot get a streak after rubbing on porcelain tile, it also means that you do not have Malachite.

Malachite crystals are soft as rubbing should give a streak powder.

7. To Tell if Malachite is Real or Fake, Do the Acetone Test

Some sellers make counterfeit Malachite from the resins.

If you do not trust the seller, you can dip the Malachite stone in the acetone for thirty seconds.

If the sellers make it from resin, it will dissolve in acetone.

Resins are soluble in acetone.

It is the same solution that you use for removing the nail polish.

If you see any changes on the Malachite surface after putting it in the acetone for thirty seconds, you have a counterfeit crystal.

What Are the Benefits of Malachite?

  • Malachite is an excellent crystal to repel negative energy from the environment. It can absorb the negative energy from your body and the environment to destroy it.
  • If you want to protect yourself from pollution, noise, and contamination effects, you can keep a Malachite crystal with you.
  • Malachite can keep you calm by making a protective energy field around your body. It is perfect for people who want to control their anger and emotions.

To Summarize: How To Tell If Malachite is Real Or Fake

You can learn how to tell if Malachite is real or fake by checking all the ways of crystal identification.

You can also keep these points in mind when you go to buy the Malachite crystals from the market to avoid scams.

  • Stone cut, color, and banding can provide hints about authentic crystals.
  • Malachite has moderate clarity and transparency.
  • Acetone test can help you identify counterfeit Malachite made from resins.
  • Malachite should have a lower temperature than the environment.
  • Malachite can protect you from harmful environmental effects.