How to Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake?

How to Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake

A few signs can help you determine whether your stone is real or fake obsidian.

  • A round pattern. There is a circular pattern to the breakage of glass, even volcanic glass. 
  • It feels dense. Compared to other stones, obsidian is heavier and denser.
  • It鈥檚 very shiny.
  • Softness. In order to determine if your stone is obsidian, you can try to scratch it. It will scratch easily if it’s obsidian crystal.

To identify if your stone is obsidian, there are a few key signs on how to tell if black obsidian is real:

Obsidian is a black crystal available abundantly near the volcanic eruption site.

Obsidian is not a gemstone as people use it for its crystal properties.

A few thousand years ago, people did not know how to obtain metals.

They used Obsidian to make sharp tools.

Obsidian looks like black glass due to its high luster.

You need to learn how to tell if Obsidian is real or fake to differentiate the Obsidian crystals from the synthetic glass material.

How to Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake?

You can tell if Obsidian is real or fake by observing the physical and chemical properties.

There are many fake Obsidians in the market.

Sellers make counterfeit Obsidian from synthetic glass.

Black resin also appears the same as the Obsidian.

It is crucial to know the properties of each of these materials to avoid scams in the market.

We have compiled a list of top Obsidian features to help you identify the authentic stones.

1. To Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake, Check the Colors and Iridescence

You can get the Obsidian in black or gray color.

You can also find Obsidian with brown streaks.

The brown streaks occur in the form of bands.

There are a few stones with blue, green, and red colors.

Sellers try to sell fake Obsidian with these shades at a higher price.

Collectors try to add the Obsidian with a color shade to their collection.

When sellers offer it at a lower price, you should consult with an expert.

Iridescence is the most crucial parameter of the Obsidian.

The Obsidian does not look like black glass as it reflects light in different colors.

When the light reflects from the Obsidian, it changes into a rainbow wavelength.

You can identify the authentic crystal by checking the way Obsidian reflects light.

You should see some golden, silver, and blue colors inside the Obsidian.

These colors are due to different mineral impurities in the Obsidian.

You can see these colors when you put the Obsidian between your eye and the light source.

If you are an Obsidian miner, you can look for different colors in the crystal as a crystal with colors other than black will sell for a higher price.

2. To Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake, Check for Inclusions

All the natural stones have inclusions.

Stone takes thousands of years to complete the formation process.

Some minerals can stick inside the stone.

You can see these minerals by looking at the stone with a magnifying glass.

Some inclusions are also visible with the naked eyes.

You can always find mineral inclusion inside the Obsidian because it forms due to volcanic eruptions.

You can see these inclusions in the Obsidian by moving the rock near a light source.

You should see elongated or torpedo-shaped bubbles inside the Obsidian when you observe it under the microscope.

The best way to confirm the Obsidian identity is by looking for the inclusions that appear like needles.

A high concentration of inclusions prevents the use of these crystals in the jewelry because they become brittle.

These inclusions should also have a silver sheen.

There is a special type of Obsidian known as the snowflake Obsidian.

You can identify it with the snowflake-like inclusions.

These inclusions consist of silica minerals.

Apache tears crystal is another type of Obsidian stone for use in jewelry.

These stones have higher durability and hardness than the ordinary type of Obsidian.

You can cut and polish them to use in all types of jewelry.

3. To Tell if Obsidian is Authentic or Fake, Check the Surface Fractures

When an igneous crystal form naturally, a thin layer of the film comes on top.

This film has the same light-bending effect as the crystal.

You can see this layer of the surface of Obsidian.

Some people also call it the rind.

You should see some fractures on the stone that does not follow the original pattern of the crystal.

You can also say that there is no pattern in the crystal structure fractures.

When a person makes the glass, he can fracture it in a specific direction.

Conchoidal fractures do not follow these rules as all the fractures are haphazard.

It should make a sea-shell shape on the stone.

You can also identify it due to the concentric lines.

These lines go towards the center of the stone.

The Obsidian with a high level of brittleness shows more fractures.

You will find one point that allows all the lines to form in a pattern.

You should handle the Obsidians that have many fractures with care as they can break easily.

4. To Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake, Observe the Size and Structure

It is possible to identify the authentic stone with its structure and size.

Obsidian is a natural rock that forms due to the rock-melting process.

Lava cools down rapidly on the earth’s surface to make the Obsidian.

It uses the same process as the glass formation.

It is easier to identify some stones due to their crystal structure.

You cannot see the crystal structure in the Obsidian.

All the crystals merge to form a large mass in the Obsidian.

You may see some small crystals under the microscope as it is a solid structure.

It is impossible to see them with naked eyes.

It has more resemblance to the frozen liquid because the lava was in the form of liquid when it cooled down to form the Obsidian.

You can see distinct shapes in the Obsidian stones that form due to rapid volcanic eruptions.

It should have hair-like extensions on the stone.

Small pieces can also break from the stone due to the rapid cooling process.

You may not find large pieces of Obsidian often.

An Obsidian with a large crystal size can be an expensive piece of rock.

You should think twice before buying an Obsidian crystal of large size at a low price.

Many sellers try to sell the black glass instead of the Obsidian to scam people.

You can identify the black glass with its distinctive size and structure features.

Sharp edges on the Obsidian are also an indication of the authentic crystal.

5. To Tell if Obsidian is Authentic or Fake, Track Its Origin

You can be sure that you have the authentic Obsidian crystal when you have the information about the place of origin.

You will rarely find an Obsidian far from the volcanic activity site.

If the seller is giving a stone from the United States, it should be from the areas of Mexico, Nevada, and Utah.

People from the ancient American groups used Obsidian in the place of iron and aluminum to make tools.

It is better to ask about the origin and check the site’s history on Google.

If the site had volcanic activity in the past, you could accept the rock.

You can also combine the origin information with the physical features to find the authenticity of the crystal.

Many used Obsidian to make knives and tools.

These tools had cultural significance also.

People used these knives to give sacrifice.

Obsidians can make sharp blades due to the polyhedral core.

Crystals can arrange in a line to make a sharp edge.

It is a perfect feature to make tools with the Obsidian.

To Summarize: How to Tell if Obsidian is Real or Fake

People use Obsidian to make sacred tools.

It can give you many healing benefits also.

Finding an authentic Obsidian stone is essential to get all the benefits.

You can remember some points to ensure you get the authentic stone.

  • An Obsidian is an igneous rock with microscopic crystals.
  • You will not see grains on the Obsidian rock structure.
  • Some color inclusion can help you identify the authentic Obsidian.
  • Obsidians have conchoidal fractures on the surface. It is impossible to see them in black glass.
  • Obsidian can give a rainbow-like light scattering due to its specialized crystal structure.
  • You can get information about the place of origin to confirm the crystal identity.