How to Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake?

How to Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake

Try the visual inspection method first. There may be some opaque or white quartz matrix associated with the smoky quartz crystal, and these areas will not generally darken upon irradiation. As a result, if these areas do not appear smoky, the specimen has likely been irradiated.

Smoky Quartz has many metaphysical benefits as it can help you stop unwanted behavior. Sellers are scamming people by giving them dues glass or processed Quartz crystals instead of the Smoky Quartz.

You can learn how to tell if Smoky Quartz is real or fake to ensure you get an authentic crystal. You will not get the healing benefits if you buy a counterfeit Smoky Quartz crystal from the market.

How to Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake?

Hematite debris can enter the clear Quartz crystals during the formation to make the Smoky Quartz.

People should see a hazy yellow color in the Quartz crystals for identification.

The color of the Smoky Quartz depends on the concentration of Hematite.

A low hematite concentration will give it a yellow color.

You will see brown color Smoky Quartz when it has medium-level Hematite concentration.

A high Hematite concentration can turn the Smoky Quartz black also.

Experts can use specialized equipment and tests to find the authenticity of the Smoky Quartz crystal.

When you learn the details of these lab tests, you will know how to tell if Smoky Quartz is real or fake.

1. To Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake, Do the Scratch Test

A Scratch test is easy to find the authenticity of the Smoky Quartz crystals.

Smoky Quartz has a high hardness score on the Moh hardness scale.

You cannot make a scratch on it with the materials with a low hardness score.

The glass should not make a scratch on the Smoky Quartz.

You can use the sharp edge of the Smoky Quartz for scratching the glass material.

It should make scratches on the glass and plastic materials.

It is easy to consider that you have Smoky Quartz when you make scratches on the glass and plastic surface with the crystal.

2. To Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake, Put It to Sunlight

Sunlight exposure can reveal if you have an artificially colored crystal.

You can perform this test by putting the crystal in the sunlight for 24 hours.

You can make the shade of crystal on a shade matching book at the beginning of the test.

You can take the crystal to a similar light after the sunlight exposure and recheck the shade.

It will match the book’s lighter shade if it is a counterfeit crystal.

Authentic Smoky Quartz crystals do not lose color when you put them in the sunlight.

3. To Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake, Check the Color and Shape

When you heat the Smoky Quartz, it will lose its color.

You can see this effect at a temperature near two hundred degrees.

The Smoky Quartz crystals should regain their color after you cool them.

It will not happen with glass or plastic material.

The glass will not retain its color when you cool it after heating.

Plastic materials will deform with the heat.

This test can reveal the authenticity of the Smoky Quartz.

4. To Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake, Find Its Origin

You can ask about the crystal sellers’ origin of the Smoky Quartz.

You can confirm if the seller is giving you authentic information by checking the internet.

He may say that these Smoky Quartz crystals are from Tajikistan.

Tajikistan does not have sources of Smoky Quartz crystals.

You need to check the crystal with a detailed identification procedure.

Most of the time, you will find the crystal is fake when your seller gives you the wrong origin information.

5. To Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake, Perform a Magnification Check

A magnification check can help you reveal the authenticity of the Smoky Quartz without damaging the crystal.

You can place the crystal in a magazine or a book.

It will not magnify the letters in the magazine.

If your crystal magnifies the letters in the magazine, it is a fake crystal.

Most of the fake crystals consist of glass material.

The magnifying test is an easy way to distinguish between glass and Smoky Quartz.

You can also observe the crystal under the magnifying glass.

If some areas do not have a yellow color, it is a sign of synthetic Quartz crystals.

What Are the Most Important Things to Observe about Smoky Quartz?

We have prepared a list of five tips to help you with the Smoky Quartz identification process.

You can follow these tips to find the authenticity of the Smoky Quartz crystals without crystal damage.

1. Check if the Smoky Quartz Crystal Has Indoor Quartz Matrices

Smoky Quartz should have yellow color on the internal parts of the crystal also.

You can bring a magnifying glass to check the deeper color.

Counterfeit Smoky Quartz does not have a yellow shade on the deeper parts of the crystal.

Radiation will give it color on the surface but does not reach the internal crystals.

If there is an even color in the deeper parts of the Smoky Quartz, it is an authentic crystal.

2. Check the Color Hues

Counterfeit crystals are made synthetically.

They do not have any inclusions that can give the crystal a unique look.

It is not the case with authentic Smoky Quartz crystals.

You can check the authenticity of the crystal by placing it between your eye and the light source.

Light will reflect from the impurities in the Smoky Quartz crystal.

It will give a unique color at a specific angle.

You can rotate the crystal before the light source to see the color difference.

Crystal without the color variation is a counterfeit crystal.

3. Check Quartz Crystal Weight

The absence of bubbles in the Smoky Quartz is an identification feature.

It is due to the high density of the Quartz crystal in the authentic material.

The high density also gives more weight to the crystals.

Smoky quartz has high specific gravity.

Smoky Quartz has a specific gravity value of 2.65.

It is heavier than the water of the same volume.

It is hard to lift the large Quartz crystal.

You can check the density or place the crystal on your hand to check the weight.

A lightweight material indicates that counterfeit stone consists of glass or plastic material.

4. Check Quartz Crystal Structure

It is impossible to get the Smoky Quartz crystals with a perfect trigonal crystal structure.

The fake crystal will show a crystal structure that appears to be designed by hand.

If a seller is giving you a crystal with perfect crystalline structure and shape at a low price, there are higher chances of being a counterfeit crystal.

Some flaws are part of the natural formation process.

5. Learn How to Identify Lab-Created Quartz

The color gradient is the indication of the lab-created Quartz.

If there is a black color at the top of the crystal and white at the bottom, the Smoky Quartz is from the lab.

The color variation is due to more radiation exposure at the top and none at the bottom of the crystal in a geode.

Authentic Smoky Quartz crystals have an even color on all crystal parts.

Quartz vs. Smoky Quartz: What’s the Difference?

Quartz and Smoky Quartz are crystals made by the natural process.

Quartz is usually white or milky.

Smoky Quartz consists of Quartz crystals with some impurities that give it a yellow to black color.

Smoky Quartz has a yellow to black color.

The Quartz crystal does not have it.

To Summarize: How to Tell if Smoky Quartz is Real or Fake

People can tell the difference between counterfeit and authentic Smoky Quartz crystals by physical features and lab tests.

Here are the most important things to identify if Smoky Quartz crystal is real.

  • The glass should not scratch the Smoky Quartz.
  • The authentic Smoky Quartz crystal will not lose color in the sunlight fast.
  • The Smoky Quartz should regain its color after heating it.
  • You will not see the magnification effect when you put the authentic Smoky Quartz crystal in the magazine.
  • Smoky Quartz crystals have high specific gravity as the crystal has more weight in less volume.
  • Lab-created Smoky Quartz crystals do not show even color distribution.