Can Agate Go in Water?

Can Agate Go in Water

Yes, Agate can go in the water for a short time without any issues. When someone asks can agate go in water for a long time, you can reply with a no because it will damage the agate crystal structure. Water will affect the appearance and finish first. If you bring it out of the water, agate will lose structural integrity.

So, Why It Is Okay to Put Agate in Water?

You can put agate in water for short periods because Agate is insoluble in the water as the structure resembles the quartz crystal family.

It also has a high hardness score on the Moh hardness scale.

The water will not damage the crystal immediately.

What Is the Agate?

Knowing the characteristics of agate is crucial because you can care for the stone better when you know its physical and chemical properties.

Experts classify the agate with silicon dioxide crystals.

Quartz and onyx are some examples of silicon dioxide crystals.

You can find these crystals worldwide because silicon-based crystals are abundant in nature.

This crystal can take different shapes and sizes based on where you found it.

You should not confuse the agate with carnelian and jasper because agate can take colors similar to these stones.

You cannot fracture the agate easily because it has a hardness score above 6.

It will also resist water damage due to a high level of hardness.

Some people test a stone by putting it in the water. They believe water will not affect agate.

It is unsuitable because if you have a water-soluble crystal instead of agate, you will lose most of the crystal mass.

What Are the Reasons for Going Against Putting Agate in Water?

It is unsuitable to put the agate in water for long periods because water will damage the agate slowly.

We should avoid putting it in water because it is hard to know the Agate’s durability without scientific tests.

Water may appear calm when you put it in a bowl.

The molecules of the water are in a constant state of motion.

When you put the agate in water, these molecules will enter the cracks and widen them.

Wider cracks are responsible for decreased integrity.

Some crystals also change color due to the widening of the cracks.

Light will react differently when the crystals have wide cracks.

We observe the crystal colors because the crystals absorb specific light wavelengths.

You should never put the crystal in water for a long time when it has polishing material.

Water will erode the polish exposing the rough surface.

Some stone sellers use specialized polish to enhance the crystal color.

Water will remove that polish to make the crystal color dull.

Water has another way to diminish the aesthetics of the crystals.

It can react with the metal atoms in the crystal to produce rust. Rust has a yellow to brown color.

Some brown patches may appear on the agate if you put it in the water for a long time.

It is due to the rust. You cannot remove the rust with a cloth.

Some treat the agate crystals with acids to remove the yellow rust color.

It will reduce the crystal integrity.

The agate crystal will break into pieces with a little force when you use acid to remove the rust.

Why Can鈥檛 I Put My Agate in Water When I鈥檝e Found My Agate in the Water?

Many ask that can agate go in water because they found their agate in the water.

It is better to think about the agate crystal as if it was not in the water.

If it was out of the water, the crystal could have vibrant colors and a larger size.

Rivers and the sea can break the crystals into small pieces.

You found a small rock because the water broke the bigger piece into smaller ones.

It is unsuitable to put it in the water again and continue the water damage.

It is different from the malachite because it does not produce harmful gas.

It will also not dissolve like the selenite.

Water will damage the crystal slowly till it reaches a point of no return as the crystal may break.

Is It Okay to Wash an Agate with Water?

Yes, you can wash agate with the water for a short time and buff it with a cloth to remove water from the surface.

It is better to start the cleaning process using a cleaning cloth.

You can buff the agate surface with a cloth to remove the dirt.

If the result is unsatisfactory, you can spray some water on the agate.

Experts recommend avoiding the water spray when there is oil-based polish on the crystal.

Mineral oil polish can give shine to the stones.

The polish will come off when you put it in water.

Spraying the water can also erode some polish from the crystal surface.

Can Agate Go in Salt Water?

Agate should not go in the salt water because salt can attach to the agate surface leading to erosion on the surface and inside the cracks.

We do not recommend putting it in the saltwater for cleansing purposes.

If you accidentally put it in the salt water, it is crucial to rinse it with fresh water to remove the salt particles.

You can buff it with a cloth to remove the moisture.

It is the best way to protect your agate from saltwater damage.

To Summarize: Can Agate Go in Water

You need to learn the characteristics of the material to know its water resistance.

We have summarized the most crucial aspects of the agate crystals to help you decide if you can put them in water.

  • Agate crystals have a hardness score above six, making them resistant to water damage.
  • Putting it in water for a long time can damage the crystal structure.
  • Water can remove polish from the agate surface.
  • Putting crystal in water for a long time can produce rust.
  • You cannot put the agate in the salt water.
  • It is suitable to put the crystal in the water for a short time to wash it.