Category: Diamonds, Silver & Gold

  • Can Stainless Steel Get Wet?

    Can Stainless Steel Get Wet?

    Stainless steel can get wet because it can resist water damage due to different metals in its chemical composition. Stainless steel has Chromium to avoid rust. You cannot put all materials in the water because they will be damaged after getting wet. Materials with high water solubility and low hardness suffer from water damage fast.…

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  • Can Sterling Silver Get Wet?

    Can Sterling Silver Get Wet?

    Sterling Silver can get wet without damage when you put it in water for a short time. You should not expose it to water for a long time as it will cause oxidation of the silver surface. It is the short answer to can Sterling Silver get wet. We will give you a detailed answer…

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  • Quartz and Gold Relationship Simply Explained

    Quartz and Gold Relationship Simply Explained

    Quartz is a mineral, and gold is a soft metal. Quartz and Gold relationship is important for gold miners. You can find Gold with the Quartz in one place as gold moves into the veins and cracks of the Quartz. The heat from the earth’s deep layers can heat them as they deposit in the…

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