What Crystals Can’t Go in Water?

What Crystals CAN鈥橳 Go in Water

Crystals have been used in various spiritual, emotional, and physical healing practices for centuries. Many believe that placing crystals in water can help absorb and cleanse their energies, enabling them to be used more effectively.

But what crystals can’t go in water?

While some crystals are safe to put in water, a few types should never be submerged. Water can potentially cause damage to these delicate and unique crystals, so you must be aware of which crystals you should avoid immersing in water.

In this blog post, we will discuss which crystals are not suitable for water and provide alternatives for cleansing and energizing these crystals.

What Crystals Can’t Go in Water?

It is essential to note that not all crystals should be submerged in water; certain varieties may be damaged or react negatively to water.

We will discuss what types of crystals can’t go in water and alternative ways to use them.

1. Fluorite

Fluorite is one of the crystals that should not be placed in water for its safety or the safety of the water.

Fluorite is a soft crystal sensitive to heat, so it should be kept out of water. Water can cause

Fluorite erodes and degrades, thus damaging its beautiful and unique qualities.

2. Selenite

Selenite is a type of crystallized gypsum and is a delicate crystal, so it’s not recommended to put it in water.

This type of crystal is soft and can quickly disintegrate if it comes in contact with water.

Additionally, many believe that selenite has healing and purifying properties, so it’s best to keep it away from water to maintain its properties.

3. Apophyllite

Apophyllite is a naturally occurring crystal found in many parts of the world.

While this crystal is known for its healing properties, it is not one of the crystals that can go in water.

Apophyllite is particularly susceptible to water damage and can easily break down if exposed to water for too long.

As a result, avoiding immersing apophyllite in water is essential if you wish to preserve its healing properties.

4. Tangerine Quartz

Tangerine Quartz is one of the crystals that should not be submerged in water.

Though it is a type of Quartz, it is slightly more delicate than other varieties and can be damaged by water.

It is an excellent crystal for emotional healing and creativity but should be cleansed with a dry cloth or sage stick.

Tangerine Quartz can help one become more aware of the physical body and emotions when used in meditation.

5. Gypsum

Gypsum is one of the most commonly used minerals in construction and is unsuitable for water use.

This is because Gypsum is highly soluble in water and will dissolve over time, potentially leaving behind deposits that can clog drains and water pipes.

In addition, when Gypsum is exposed to water, it releases sulfuric acid, which can cause corrosion to metal fixtures and other surfaces.

As a result, Gypsum should not be used in any application where water may be present.

6. Lepidolite

Lepidolite is one of the crystals that should never be placed in water.

This crystal is a lithium-rich mica mineral composed of potassium, aluminum, fluorine, and lithium.

The combination of these elements makes Lepidolite extremely fragile and prone to cracking when placed in water.

Additionally, lithia, a component of Lepidolite, is water-soluble, making it susceptible to water damage.

These qualities make it essential to keep Lepidolite away from water and instead cleanse it with alternative methods such as smudging or using a selenite wand.

7. Opal

Knowing what crystals can and cannot be submerged in water is essential for those looking to practice crystal healing and other spiritual practices.

One type of crystal that should never be submerged in water is opal. Opal is a soft, porous crystal that is easily damaged by water.

When water comes in contact with opal, it causes the stone to crack and can cause its colors to fade.

This can be a significant setback for those looking to use opal for its spiritual properties, so it is crucial to avoid submerging opal in water.

8. Azurite

Azurite is a crystal that cannot go into water.

Azurite is a copper carbonate hydroxide mineral with a deep blue color and is often used for decorative and ornamental purposes.

Unfortunately, this mineral is very sensitive to moisture, so it cannot be placed in water.

It can be prone to damage if exposed to high humidity levels.

To maintain its beauty, it is best to keep Azurite away from water and store it in a cool and dry place.

9. Apatite

Apatite is a calcium phosphate mineral in several forms and colors, ranging from deep blue to blue-green.

While it is generally considered safe to handle and wear, Apatite should not be placed in water, as it is highly soluble and will dissolve over time.

Furthermore, Apatite should not be exposed to high temperatures, as this can cause it to become brittle and, eventually, to break down.

10. Halite

Halite, also known as rock salt, is composed primarily of sodium chloride.

Due to its high salt content, halite is not suitable to be placed in water, as it can cause water pollution.

The salt can also cause corrosion and other damage to plumbing systems, so it’s best to avoid using it in water-based solutions.

If you want to use halite for its various therapeutic effects, it’s best to use it externally in baths or wraps rather than in the water.

11. Malachite

Crystal healing is becoming increasingly popular, as many believe certain crystals contain energy and vibrations.

While it is possible to benefit from the energy of a crystal, it is essential to understand which crystals can and cannot be placed in water.

Malachite is one crystal that should never be put in water.

This is because it contains copper and can be toxic if dissolved in water.

In addition, malachite is a very soft crystal, so it can easily be damaged if placed in water.

Therefore, it is essential to keep malachite out of water to ensure its longevity and prevent any potential risk of toxicity.

12. Turquoise

Turquoise is number twelve on the list of crystals that can’t go in water.

The soft, porous nature of this type of gemstone means it is particularly susceptible to damage from water.

As a result, it should be kept away from any type of liquid, including rain and humidity.

Turquoise is best stored in a dry place to preserve its structure and natural beauty.

Even if it does get wet, it should be dried off immediately with a soft cloth and stored away from any moisture.

13. Ulexite

Ulexite is a soft, colorless crystal that should not be placed in water. Ulexite, also known as “TV Stone” due to its unique optical properties, is made of a hydrated borate mineral.

It is found in evaporite deposits worldwide but is primarily mined in the United States and Argentina.

Ulexite’s optical properties make it popular for jewelry crafting and ornamental displays.

However, placing it in water will cause it to dissolve as it is soluble in water.

Therefore, when deciding which crystals can go in water, Ulexite is typically not a recommended option.

14. Labradorite

Labradorite is a crystal that should never be put in water.

This is due to its delicate composition, as it is composed of plagioclase and anorthite, which can be easily damaged by exposure to water.

The stone’s surface can be damaged and degraded, reducing clarity and luster over time.

To preserve the natural beauty of Labradorite, it is best to keep it away from any kind of liquid exposure.

15. Celestite

Celestite is a soft, delicate crystal that is not suitable for water.

This crystal contains various minerals, including strontium sulfate, barium, and calcium.

It has a milky white, pale blue, or yellowish color, and when placed in water, it will quickly dissolve and lose its healing properties.

As such, it is not recommended to be used in water-based practices, such as placing it in a bath or using it for water rituals.

16. Pyrite

Pyrite is a metallic crystal that cannot go in a water-based solution.

This is because it is a sulfide-based mineral, which reacts with water and produces sulfuric acid.

Sulfuric acid is a highly corrosive material that can cause damage to both the surface and the environment.

In addition, pyrite is also known to be a combustible mineral, which means that it can ignite when exposed to water.

Therefore, it is not advisable to put pyrite in water to avoid any potential hazards.

17. Hematite

Hematite is a stone that should not be placed in water.

This iron ore is found in sedimentary rocks and is composed of iron oxide.

It has a metallic luster, making it a popular stone for jewelry and decoration.

However, when placed in water, it can rust and lose its shine.

It is important to note that hematite is not found in crystal form.

Instead, it appears as a mineral aggregate.

As a result, when attempting to cleanse hematite, it is best to use a smudging technique such as burning sage or white sage or using a crystal singing bowl.

18. Desert Rose

The Desert Rose is one to consider when determining what crystals can’t go in water.

This crystal is composed of gypsum or barite and is sensitive to moisture, making it a poor choice for water-based cleansings and rituals.

It should never be submerged directly in water as it can quickly deteriorate, losing its shape and color.

Instead, opt for indirect cleansing methods, such as placing the crystal in a bowl of sea salt or on a bed of fresh herbs.

19. Calcites (can’t go in salt water)

Calcites are a group of carbonate minerals found in various colors, including yellow, white, green, and blue.

Unfortunately, calcites cannot go into salt water, as their properties are incompatible with this environment.

Therefore, it is essential to ensure that any calcites you use for healing or decoration are placed in freshwater.

Additionally, calcites should be kept away from high humidity and wet conditions, as high humidity can damage them.

20. Fire Opal (can’t go in salt water)

Fire opal is one of the many crystals that should not be exposed to water.

Fire opal is a precious opal known for its color variations in red, orange, and yellow hues.

The opal should not be exposed to salt water, as it can cause discoloration and erosion of its surface.

Use a soft, damp cloth or a cotton ball dampened with warm water to clean the fire opal.

Do not use commercial cleaners or detergents, as they can damage the opal or leave a residue.

To sum up, not all crystals should be placed in water.

It can be dangerous to submerge certain crystals in water, as they can dissolve or damage.

Before submerging any crystal, it is important to research the type of crystal to ensure that it is safe to be placed in water.

Properly caring for your crystals will help them keep their unique properties and provide you with healing benefits for years.