Which Common Mineral Is Composed Entirely of Silicon and Oxygen?

Which Common Mineral Is Composed Entirely of Silicon and Oxygen

The minerals entirely composed of silicon and oxygen are known as silicates. These minerals can also have some impurities that consist of different compounds. 

Knowing which common mineral is composed entirely of silicon and oxygen, you can understand minerals better.

Is Silicon a Component of Any of the Rocks That Contain Gold?

Yes, silicon is a common component of many rocks with gold content. It is often found in the same geological formations as gold, although it does not directly contribute to the presence of gold in the rocks.

Silicon is a prevalent element in the Earth’s crust and can be found in various types of gold-bearing rocks.

Minerals that are composed of silicon and oxygen are:

You can find minerals of silicon and oxygen in many colors and forms.

These colors and structures occur due to impurities in the crystals.

Some variations are due to the difference in the crystal formation process.

We will discuss details of some of the most common minerals composed of silicon and oxygen.

  • Agate
  • Carnelian
  • Chalcedony
  • Coesite
  • Jasper
  • Keatite
  • Lechatelierite
  • Melanophlogite
  • Moganite
  • Seifertite
  • Stishovite
  • Tridymite
  • Quartz

These crystals have four oxygen atoms with one silicon atom.

When you write the silicate formula, it is SiO2.

Many ask if there are four oxygen atoms with one silicon, why you write SiO2.

The reason is oxygen atoms sharing.

All oxygen atoms attach to more than one silicon atom.


Agates are one of the best examples of silicate minerals.

We classify them in the class of crystals entirely composed of silicon and oxygen despite mineral and metal impurities.

Agate is composed of granular Quartz crystals.

It is also known as chalcedony.

You can identify agates with a multi-layer appearance.

Minerals deposit in the layers as agate stones form in the igneous rock veins.

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Carnelian are red chalcedony stones.

Carnelian has red color due to iron oxide impurity.

Many consider that carnelian is a type of Quartz crystal.

These rocks also form due to silica-rich liquids passing from the veins of igneous rocks.

Some silica deposits on these rocks with hematite crystals.

They form the red stones known as carnelian.

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Chalcedony is also known as cryptocrystalline quartz.

It forms due to the interlinking of Quartz and Moganite crystals.

The crystal is entirely composed of silicon and oxygen as Quartz and Moganite crystals consist of silica material.

They have different crystalline structures.

Quartz has a trigonal crystal structure.

Moganite has a monoclinic crystal structure.


Coesite stones also consist of silicon and oxygen.

Coesite form when Quartz crystals change shape under high pressure and moderate temperature.

It is a polymorph structure of silica materials.

A scientist synthesized it in 1953.

The polymorph structure has monoclinic crystals.

You will also find conchoidal fractures in this stone.

You can get this stone in both lustrous and waxy appearances.


You can get Jasper in red, brown, yellow, and red colors.

The colors in the Jasper are due to iron inclusions.

It is a chalcedony stone as it is composed of cryptocrystalline Quartz.

The most prominent feature of this stone is opacity and shine.

You cannot see through the Jasper stones due to high opacity.

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Keatite has a tetragonal form of silica crystals.

Scientists made it in the laboratory first.

It was discovered in nature in 2013.

It forms when you pass steam over the silica crystals at a temperature of 300 to 600 degrees Celsius.

You need to put pressure of 400 to 4000 bars on the crystals.


Lechatelierite is glass-like silica that forms naturally with intense heat.

Intense heat from when lightning strikes the earth.

When a meteorite strikes the earth’s surface, you will also see such conditions.

You will find lechatelierite near the places of the lightning strikes.

A high voltage arch line will make lechatelierite in the ground from silica materials.


You can look for Melanophlogite if you want a low-specific gravity silica crystal.

It is a rare silica crystal with high porosity.

Melanophlogite has a low refractive index and density due to its high porosity level.

It is also peculiar as it has organic compounds in the crystal structure.

You may find them in the form of a round drop-like mineral structure.


Moganite has the same formula as Quartz but a different crystal structure.

It has a monoclinic crystal system with a polymorph structure.

You will find them mostly in gray color.

These crystals occur in large crystal mass forms.

It was discovered in the Mogan area in 1984.


You can look for Seifertite if you want a silica crystal with a high-density structure.

It has a high density due to the microscopic crystals inside the crystalline structure.

It is also a unique silica crystal due to its orthorhombic structure.

Most believe that it is the densest mineral on the earth’s surface.

It was first found on meteorites.


Stishovite is one of the stones with a dense crystalline structure.

It has a high level of hardness due to the tetragonal crystal structure.

It has a similar crystal structure to Diamonds.

If you can dig to the deeper layers of the earth’s mantel, you will find large quantities of Stishovite.

Scientists classify it as tectosilicate quartz crystals.


Tridymite is a platy mineral of silicon dioxide.

You can get Tridymite by breaking the igneous rocks.

Tridymite occurs in the cavities of igneous rocks.

It appears that these crystals have a hexagonal shape.

It is not perfectly hexagonal as some Tridymite crystals have other shapes also.

It can have a white or colorless appearance as light can pass from it.

It has an orthorhombic crystalline structure.


Quartz is the second most abundant mineral on the earth’s surface.

It has the chemical formula SiO2.

It is hard to scratch or break quartz crystals due to the high hardness score.

It has a hardness score of 7 on the Moh hardness scale.

You can find quartz crystals in transparent form or white color.

Quartz can have many colors due to mineral or metal inclusions.

People give different names to the Quartz when it has various colors.

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Amethyst is a type of Quartz crystal with iron impurities.

You will find it in purple or violet color.

Amethyst form due to the effects of radiation on iron atoms.

Amethyst has iron in the form of Fe3+. It has purple shades.

You can find these crystals inside the geodes.

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If you are looking for a yellow quartz crystal with a high luster, there is no need to look further.

Citrine is a rare gemstone as you cannot find it frequently.

Citrine gets its yellow color due to metal impurities in the crystal structure.

It has a hardness score of 7 on the Moh hardness scale.

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Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz crystal is a type of silica crystal with a range of clarity.

It has gray color due to the formation of the free silicon in the crystal due to radiation exposure.

The crystals can have a fully opaque or translucent appearance.

Many use it due to its healing benefits.

Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a pink-colored Quartz with high opacity.

The pink color in the Rose Quartz is due to iron impurities.

You can get them in a range of colors.

These crystals have a color range from red to pink.

People use them in jewelry due to their magnificent appearance.

It also has a hardness score of 7 on the Moh hardness scale.

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Composed of Silicon and Oxygen, but with Other Elements

Some crystals have silicon and oxygen only.

Others have a mixture of silicon, oxygen, and other atoms.

We have compiled a list of stones with many elements in the silicon and oxygen in the crystal structure.


It is better to know at the start that Obsidian is a rock.

You cannot classify it into mineral classes.

Some experts also call it mineraloid as it has properties of minerals and rocks.

Obsidian has a chemical formula SiO2MgOFe3O4.

It has many other atoms in the silica crystal structure.

People use it to make knives due to the ease of sharp edge formation.

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Opal is a unique mineral because it has many elements in the silicon and oxygen crystalline structure.

There are many water molecules in the Opals as they act as impurities in the silica crystals.

Opal has a chemical formula of SiO2.nH2O.

People like opals due to their magnificent colors.